Monday, January 24, 2011

Encampment Schedule!

CW Encampment 2011

The above link is press release from The Fort. If you can not see it please let me know. It is stored on Google Docs and is approved to all with the address. It's a first for me to send out to others and I'd like to know how it works. I can email it also.

The weekend is being planned by the Holmes Brigade and is to have a whole bunch of civil war military re-enactors.

To me the chaotic moment when the two hotels occupants spill out into the parade grounds would be interesting, the raising of the 30 foot by 50 foot flag, the statehood b-day cake and the music concert. What do you think? Also, a picnic lunch on the grounds is fun and cheaper then going out or we could go to MacDonalds! I'm not hoping for a balmy 33 degrees like is predicting. I can ask if we can use the Grand Hall for eating.

Cost for children is free. Sixteen and older is $3.00. For those that would appreciate it I can pay for  admission early so there is no exchange of money on their sabbath. Let me know ahead of time.

Several of my children are acting as civilians/volunteers this weekend with a couple waiting to see what CHEA members plan to do.


  1. Rondi, my family will not be able to participate after all. Robert remembered another commitment on that day. Thank you for all your efforts!

  2. S and I are planning on being there! Thank you for all your work on this event!


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